The message on the sleeve:

  "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given" (Is. 9,6) are the first words that come to my mind when I think of Christmas. But immediately after this follows a question: "Who is this child?" The answer to this question is the real meaning of Christmas for you. For me this child is he who saved humanity, who changed completely the story of mankind, who gave me a vision that is bigger than any space I can immagine, longer than any time I can calculate. For me this child is everything. So if you take away this child Christmas will be meaningless. These are traditional carols that I felt I had to record as a gift to the Maltese people in Christmas. In the centre of these songs there is a child... a young child, a child that came for you.

  “Tweldilna tifel; ingħatalna iben” (Is.9,6) huma l-kliem li jiġi f’moħħi meta naħseb fil-Milied. Imma immedjatament wara, l-ewwel mistoqsija li toħroġ tkun: “Min hu dat-tifel?” Ir-risposta għal din il-mistoqsija huwa s-sens vera tal-Milied għalik. Għalija dan it-tifel hu dak li salva l-umanità, li biddel l-istorja tal-bniedem għal dejjem, li tani viżjoni li hi akbar minn kull spazju li nista’ nimmaġina, itwal minn kull żmien li nista’ nikkalkula. Għalija dat-tifel hu kollox. Allura neħħi lilu u l-Milied ma jibqagħlux sens. Dawn huma għanjiet pjuttost tradizzjonali li ħassejt li għandi nirrekordja bħala rigal lill-poplu Malti fil-Milied. Fiċ-ċentru ta’ dawn l-għanjiet hemm tifel...  tifel ċkejken, tifel li ġie għalik.

     The Album Min hu dat-Tifel? features the carols like O lejl ta' Skiet, Ninġabru Nsara, Noel Noel, F'lejl tax-xitwa ġewwa Betlem, Qed jinfirex mal-Widien and others. There are new songs that are popular in English like O lejl Qaddis (Oh Holy Night) and Min hu dat-Tifel? (What Child is this?). Then there is Fr Karm's popular Christmas song: Armonija. The album is recorded as usual at Tone Studios by Andrew Zammit. Different musicians accompanied Fr Karm: Andrew Zammit on the lead guitar and Bass; Edward Ellul also played on the bass; Noel Grech on the drums; Jacob Portelli on the violin; Paul Giordimaina played the piano and Fr Karm the recorder, rhythm guitar and  Keyboard. The graphics of the sleeve was done by Fabio Borg.