The message on the sleeve:

     For the one who believes that Christ rose from the dead and defeated all evil, there is a New
Day (Jum Gdid). This day is new because what Jesus did for us brought a tremendous change in
our lives. There are those who ignore this new life and miss the beauty that it brings. But for him
who receives it and accepts Jesus in his life discovers how his life can be changed and become new
as well. This is the Lord’s experience in my life and as you listen to these songs I want to share it
with you. This is the life of the ordinary man who walks with God. Let this album help you discover
that Jesus can bring change in you and that every day of your life can become a New Day.

      Għall-bniedem li jemmen fi Kristu li qam mill-imwiet u rebaħ kull ħażen, hemm Jum Ġdid. Dan
il-jum hu ġdid għax dak li ġab Kristu għalina hu bidla sħiħa fil-ħajja tagħna. Hemm min din il-ħajja
jirrifjutaha u jitlef is-sabiħ kollu li ġġib magħha. Iżda min jaċċettaha u jilqa’ lil Ġesu’ fil-ħajja tiegħu
jiskopri kemm ħajtu stess tista’ tinbidel u ssir ġdida ukoll. Din hi l-esperjenza tal-Mulej fil-ħajja
tiegħi u dan hu dak li nixtieq ngħaddi lilkom intom u tisimgħu dawn l-għanjiet. Din hi l-ħajja tal-
bniedem li jimxi ma’ Alla fil-waqt li jiltaqa’ ma’ dak kollu li l-ħajja ordinarja toffrilu.  Ħalli dan l-
album igħinek biex int ukoll tiskopri li Ġesu’ jista’ jġib bidla sħiħa fik u kull jum ta’ ħajtek isir ukoll
Jum Ġdid għalik

              The Album Jum Gdid was nominated for the Best CD in Maltese at the Malta Music Awards 1998. Some of the songs have Debbie
Scerri, Andrew Zammit and Andrew Cauchi (three established singers in Malta) as backing vocals, together with Mario Cucciardi,
Jacqueline Dimech and Tiziana Grech. The recording, computer programming and the mixing was done by Andrew Zammit at Tone Studios.