How beautiful it is to know that there is
someone who loves you! I hope that there are
many people who love us, but we all know that people love us in
different ways and for
different reasons. Some love us because we have become part of their
lives. Others love us
because they have seen or found something particular in us. Some
others love us because
they receive something from us. This is our human reality. But there
is someone who loves us
with a true and perfect love, even though we cannot give him anything
and many times we
even ignore him. He loves us… or, let me say, He loves you
always, in all circumstances and
independently of your behaviour. The Lord loves you as you are without
expecting anything
from you. Moreover, there is nothing that can stop Him from loving
In this
album I would like to convey to the listener that God loves, and
the biggest proof
is in the cross. It is dedicated particularly to those who, even
though they believe He exists,
they have not experienced this love and that He is very close to
them or that He forms part
of their story. Let these words, that basically are taken from His
Word, enter your heart and
talk to you directly wherever you are with Him.
hu sabih li tkun taf li hemm xi hadd li jhobbok! Fil-hajja taghna
nittama li hemm hafna nies li jhobbuna imma bhalma nafu mhux
kulhadd ihobbna bl-istess mod. Hemm min
ihobbna ghax sirna parti minn hajtu. Ohrajn ihobbuna ghax sabu jew
raw xi haga fina. Xi whud ihobbuna
wkoll ghax minna jiehdu xi haga. Din hi r-realtà umana. Imma
hemm xi hadd li jhobbna b’imhabba vera u shiha, wkoll jekk
ma nistghu naghtuh xejn u
hafna drabi ninjorawh. Ihobbna… jew ahjar nghid li ihobbok
dejjem, f’kull cirkustanza u minkejja kull ghemil. Il- Mulej ihobbok kif int minghajr ma jistenna
xejn minghandek. Anzi m’hemm xejn li jista’ jwaqqaf
din l-imhabba tieghu lejk.
l-album nixtieq nghid lil min jisimghu li Alla jhobb u l-akbar prova
hi s-salib. Hu ddedikat partikolarment ghal dawk li minkejja jafu
li Alla jezisti, biss ma jafux b’din
l-imhabba, li hu daqshekk qrib, u li hu hemm f’kull parti
ta’ l-istorja taghhom. Halli dan il-kliem, li
bazikament hu mehud mill-kelma tieghu, jidhol f’qalbek u jkellmek
direttament, int fejn int mieghu. |