message on the sleeve:
Fittixtek…(I sought you…) I spent
my whole life searching. It was not so clear from
the beginning, but what I was seeking for in all that I did and
tried out was God. Now that
I have met him and started experiencing what I always desired, I
want to seek him more
while sharing with others what I have already found. This is what
made me write these
songs. If you are seeking as well, you may be helped by what you
hear in this album.
ħajti kollha kienet
tfittxija. Dan mhux dejjem kien ċar quddiemi, iżda llum naf
li dak kollu li għamilt u ppruvajt kien għax kont qiegħed infittex
lil Alla. Issa li ltqajt miegħu
u bdejt induq minn dak li xtaqt li nsib, irrid infittxu aktar u
fl-istess ħin naqsam ma’
ħaddieħor dak li diġa’ sibt. Kien dan li wassalni biex nikteb
dawn il-kanzunetti. Jekk int
qiegħed tfittex ukoll, dak li tisma’ hawn jista’ jgħinek.
album Fittixtek… was nominated for the Best CD in Maltese,
Best Lyrics for the song Karba and Fr Karm was nominated
as Best Newcomer at the Malta Music Awards 1997. The famous Maltese
singer Debbie Scerri accompanies Fr Karm in some of
the songs, particularly the duet in Int id-dawl. The recording,
computer programming and mixing of the songs, including the
mastering, were done by Andrew Zammit at Tone Studios. |